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To place an order for SAME DAY DELIVERY, please call us directly at 780-431-0738 Thank you!
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet
Classic Rose Bouquet

Classic Rose Bouquet


Your choice of six, twelve or twenty four long stem roses, lush greenery, and pretty accent flowers ready to be placed in any vessel at home! Flowers are wrapped presentation style and delivered with a water-source to ensure freshness along with a care card and floral food. Cut flowers should always be recut and put into warm water upon arrival.

For other colour requests, don't hesitate to contact us directly!

Warm water should be cycled through the container every few days to ensure longevity. Flowers are thirsty, so please top up the arrangement daily!

Flower varieties are dependent on availability. We reserve the right to substitute colours and flowers as necessary. If you have any questions or require more assistance about our seasonal selection, please call us directly to speak with one of our designers (780-431-0738).