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Care instructions For Fresh Flowers



  1. Remove the packaging and bag containing the water source. Remove elastic from the hand tie if desired. 

  2. Fill a clean vessel with warm water (bath or shower temperature!) and dissolve the flower food package that is included. Ideally, you want to ensure that it’s pretty full, so that all stems are in water and the vase is heavy to avoid tipping over when the flowers are placed in.

  3. Cut the stems with pruning shears or a sharp knife (not scissors!) on an angle proportionally to size of the vase. Be careful!

  4. Immediately place the stems into the vessel after cutting the ends. This is important for the flowers to be properly hydrated.

  5. Keep all fresh flowers out of direct sunlight, out of any warm, drafty areas (including cooler ones) or near fruit or vegetables. Fruit will give off gasses that help flowers mature faster and are generally harmful to them. 

  6. If you won't drink the water that your flowers are in, neither will your flowers so ensure that the water gets changed anytime it becomes cloudy or dirty for maximum longevity! Remember to use fresh water and clean your vase if necessary.

  7. Flowers such as roses, hydrangea, peonies & dahlias can tolerate and should be placed into very warm water. The more "woody" the stem, the warmer water they can tolerate. All spring bulbs and soft stemmed flowers can be placed into cooler water.



    1.  Refill the vase/container with warm water. There is already flower food in the water/foam inside the container so there is no need to add flower food. 

    2. Keep the vase/container arrangement out of direct sunlight, out of any warm, drafty areas (including cooler ones) or near fruit or vegetables. Fruit will give off gasses that help flowers mature faster and are generally harmful to them.

    3. If you won't drink the water that your flowers are in, neither will your flowers so ensure that the water gets changed anytime it becomes cloudy or dirty for maximum longevity! Remember to use fresh water and clean your vase if necessary.