A Dozen Classic Roses Arranged in a Vase
Our beautiful Ecuadorian long stem roses are arranged in a simple and elegant clear 11" tall glass vase. Assembled and arranged by hand, this classic and iconic statement will surely leave an impression on anyone who receives it. We add in luscious and glorious dark green italian ruscus and locally grown foliage to amplify the impact. We also dress the roses with a coordinating accent flowers to finish off the look.
It is big and showy and sure to leave an impression! These are NOT your regular, run of the mill, cheap grocery store roses!
For other colour requests, dont hesitate to contact us directly!
Flowers are arranged in a container. Warm water should be cycled through the container every few days to ensure longevity. Flowers are thirsty, so please top up the arrangement daily!
Flower varieties are dependent on availability. We reserve the right to substitute colours and flowers as necessary. If you have any questions or require more assistance about our seasonal selection, please call us directly to speak with one of our designers (780-431-0738).